June 8, 2012

Images from Old Delhi

Yesterday, in 39degree sweltering heat, Paul and I braved Old Delhi and Sadar Bazaar .. we saw some pretty cool n kooky stuff:

random dangly wire alert
my favorite chill street
this chai wala definitely doesn't use Palmolive dishwashing detergent!

I dunno who buys these
or what they fill them with
but I do know that you can't
buy the contents in the markets!
lovn the packaging

So this is grease, and I took the photo knowing it was grease,
cause ya know it's not the kind of thing you normally see, grease splurges on a tray!
A very kind man stopped and told me it was grease
cause he thought I thought it was sweets!  AS IF!
precision chai pouring .. kinda sorta, not really
cause it was splashing all over the place!

snoozer AND almost certainly a scrabble master!
this henna haired guy had his bicycle rigged up to a grinding wheel and so
 has his own mobile knife sharpening service
two bickering spice shop owners attracted our attention with their signs
so we went with the not mentally sick spice seller and spent at least half an hour with him, bought lots then as I continued to giggle at the sign, he offered his "boy" could hold up his original computerized sign for us!

this is hard hard labour, even more so in 39-47 degrees!
WHAT? You couldn't fit ONE more box on top? sheeeesh!

stepping over the crud n grime
to get to a cruddy n grimey alley way in Sadar Bazaar
Sula Indian wine facial kit or Chateau Neuf de Pap wine facial kit?
and we hit pay dirt, found bangle heaven in the back streets of Sadar Bazaar
so this is for Paul ... power ranger gear!

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